
Sunday, August 7, 2011

To all my fellow moms:

So earlier today, I braved myself up (is that a thing?) to write about breastfeeding.  

This is something that really scared me.


Because we women can be very mean and vicious and judgmental with each other.  In all honesty, I probably deserve some of the judgments that are handed to me because I used to be quite judgmental myself.  God humbled me, though.  Before Ben was born and I was pregnant, I had the grandest intentions for him.  Plans to breastfeed exclusively, baby wear around the clock, let baby lead our schedule, co-sleep and everything else that the Attachment Parenting movement represents.

Then, as I said, God humbled me.  I thought I had supply issues (in retrospect, I don't believe I did because Ben was growing just fine, but we mothers worry ourselves to death so Ben became largely formula fed), I hated babywearing (I have a bad back), my husband didn't like co-sleeping and I quickly realized that I did NOT enjoy baby-led schedules and it just didn't work for our family.  I even went the way of Cry-It-Out in desperation when Ben was waking umpteen times a night.

Talk about a total turn around and a total humbling.  I ate every last word I had so assuredly declared.  I was exactly the mother I had intended not to be.

It was then that I realized that I have no place to judge.  I have no idea what each individual mother is going through.  I have no idea what life situation they're experiencing, what issues they may be dealing with or what kind of child they have.  Sure, some parents are quite successful and happy practicing Attachment Parenting and that is awesome by me.  Some people prefer to take a more Parent-Led approach and you know what?  That is also fine by me.  Short of abuse or neglect, I think parents should be free to lovingly parent the way they see fit for their own children.

And who the HECK do we think we are declaring that we know what's best for a child not our own more than the mother of that child?!

But the problem?  The problem is that we are a blogging/techy/always-connected society now.  It has never been easier to anonymously judge someone else.  

And boy do moms judge each other!  Why are we so quick to bash someone else's parenting choices?  Why are we tearing each other down?  Behind that blog post you're spewing hate at or that avatar on the message board you're bashing is a real human being.  One with feelings. 

Criticizing fellow moms is not only damaging to that mom, it's damaging to the child(ren) of that mom, as well.  Because an insecure mom cannot be the mom she could be with security and confidence.  It truly does take a village.  

Support and criticism can actually be tough to differentiate between.  A mother encouraging another mother to breastfeed can actually cross the line into passive aggressive criticism.  I've seen it happen many times on message boards and facebook.  A mother who is struggling because her baby is waking every hour to eat and she just can't survive one more day posts in desperation on a message board.  She's just looking for one person to give her permission to feed her baby a bottle for one night.  Or perhaps even once EVERY night.  She's looking for permission because we've made breastfeeding the only option.  We've bashed each other for making any other choice so many times that this mother is convinced that giving her baby one bottle will make her so shamefully horrible that she's not worthy of her child anymore.  Sounds extreme, but I promise it's not.

And instead of giving her permission, the other mothers assure her she can just keep pushing on.  They passive aggressively remind her it's the only option.

The 2008 Chelsea would have done exactly that.  I might not have even been passive aggressive about it.  I might have come right out and said do NOT give your baby formula.  But praise God for showing me how selfish and ignorant I was.  

Another mother found offense in a post I wrote earlier today that I promptly removed.  My post was basically just a "Here's what I wish someone would have told me," post.  I wanted to tell my story of believing that I had supply issues without any valid proof other than my own insecurities and paranoia.  Instead of listening to what the scale was telling me (my baby was growing!), I went the way of formula and was pretty devastated about that because breastfeeding is something very important TO ME.  I love to breastfeed my babies and I love the resulting bond.  I love being the sole source of nutrition and staring at my daughter's fat rolls and knowing they came exclusively from me.   

I wanted to tell that story as someone who has lived it all: the devastation from inadequate supply, the exclusive formula feeding, the exclusive pumping/feeding expressed milk and now the exclusive breastfeeding without supplementation.  My only point was to encourage a mom who might believe she has inadequate supply but who desperately wants to keep breastfeeding that she should!  As long as baby is growing, don't give up if you don't want to.  

But instead, I hurt someone else.  I don't believe there was anything hurtful in my blog post, but I realized that she was hurt because other women have hurt her and judged her because she has true low supply and has had to supplementThat realization really hit me because this whole idea that we should be supporting our fellow moms instead of tearing each other apart has really been heavy on my heart lately.    

To that mom, I apologize.  Because even though I think my post this morning was pretty innocent, I have certainly done my fair share of judging in the past, so I am indirectly responsible.  To any mom I've ever judged or scolded, I apologize.  

I am a better person today than yesterday and hope for more tomorrow.  Every day I learn and grow and let God lead the way.  

As one mom to another, please, I beg you, think before you criticize the next mom who does something differently than you.  Whether it's vaccinating or co-sleeping or breastfeeding, we all have our own opinions on what's best for our own children and we should be allowed to practice those without fear of persecution. 


  1. Extremely well said, my friend. You spoke a lot of truth with this post. I hope that we will all think twice before we pass judgment or try to push our ideals on someone else, and I hope that all of us who have felt judged will find comfort in your words.

  2. Chelsea, I don't deserve this post. Very well said, every single word of it.

  3. I was obviously not the mom you hurt, and I am not saying that you have hurt me in the past. But I am amazed at the transformation in you. I love seeing you become more of a relaxed and happy momma.

    Society has pushed so many things upon us moms. Birth your child this way, feed them that way, don't do this, do that... its hard for a new mom to navigate it.

    This was a very heartwarming post to read. I love seeing how God is working in your life. And I admire you more as a person today, than I did when we first met.

    Love you and your adorable children!

  4. I understand the frustration as a mom who couldn't breastfeed. I was thinking that I was doing fine when I realized it took my daughter 3 hours to feed and she was still hungry. I then had to turn right back around and feed again. Then came the jaundice. It turns out I was basically feeding her nothingand essentially I caused the jaundice. Even though not intentional it happened because of my inadequate supply. I felt like a failure. Fortunately I had great people rally around me and made me feel a whole lot better about bottle feeding. I do still wish I could have breastfed but I know it's impossible for me and I have accepted that.

  5. Chelsea i am crying reading this post. I have had a really hard time boob feeding and formula supplementing Princess Pork chop. I found that giving her a bottle of formula at night allows her to sleep all night which in turn allows me to sleep all night and allows me to be a better mother to Big Sis Diva and Princess Pork Chop. But I can not tell you how many hours i have spent crying because i "supplement" because my boobs just cant hold her over night. The guilt that I feel. Nevermind that I pump thorughout the night so i have extra bottles for her. Or that She is growing amazing, hence her nickname. Society makes me think i am a bad mother for making this brillant choice for the better of my children. So much so that I do not even speak of it "online" for fear of being attacked for making the BEST choice I can as a mother to my children. Crazy!
    Thank you for this beautiful post. I think you are a beautiful person and I am glad to have you in my life! I hope to take a lead from you!

  6. I think this post works for a lot of issues besides breastfeeding. Moms (people in general) need to support each other as long as we have the best interest of our families at heart. Sometimes it may not be the "best" thing for our kids or the "best" thing for us, but overall, it's what works. It's hard to do everything right, but we should never feel like we have to apologize for decisions that we are proud of. Breastfeeding is one of my decisions I'm proud of. You have a whole arsenal of things you have done for your kids that you should be proud of as well. You never know when someone else is going to feel encouraged by the experience you've had and you shouldn't be afraid to share them on YOUR blog! Thanks for this great post!

  7. Very well said. <3 So proud of such an awesome amazing person and friend!

  8. Very well said. I love BF too but if/when it gets to be too much I have bottles and formula I'm not afraid to use.

    Always do what's best for your fam!

  9. I'll admit that I don't usually think about this truth in this particular context, but truth has a way of staying true regardless of the context.

    God has also been teaching me a lot about judging other people, and I've learned it's just not worth it. People are much more likely to change when they feel loved, not when they feel judged. And the damage we do to others by judging them is never worth the satisfaction we may get from being right. (Not to mention, how many times are we certain of things only to find out later that we were wrong?)

    Bottom line: you are a very wise woman, Chelsea. And it is so encouraging to see the glimpses of God's hand on your life as He makes you more like Jesus.
