Someone suggested I go back to Dooce's archives and read about her postpartum depression. She blogged it all while she was going through it, even when she checked herself into the hospital. So last night, I stayed up really late doing just that. It was amazing and beautiful how honest she was. But what I found striking was that on several occasions, she said people were thanking her for her honesty and she's like, what? Why? It's a disease like any other disease, I don't get why it's a big deal?
Well I, for one, have to thank her, because just reading someone else's chronicles through a deep, dark depression made me feel so much more normal.
I'm holding onto hope that being open and honest here could possibly help one other person.
I need hope now.
I called the therapist this morning. Still waiting to hear back. It's tough to watch the day tick away, get no phone call back and know I may not have any relief until Monday at the earliest, but it'll get better at some point and that's what you focus on, right? At some point, I'm going to be the normal me again.
I'm glad you made the call. You can do it Chels!! Just keep going!