
Friday, February 10, 2012

Holy pregnancy pain, batman!

During my first pregnancy I had almost no pain.  I didn't waddle.  I didn't cringe when I had to stand up from sitting.  All-in-all, it was a great pregnancy.  I was the crazy, hormonal pregnant woman that I still am today, on my third pregnancy, but as far as morning sickness and weepiness and pain?  Not so much.  It was easy.  

With Adalyn's pregnancy, the real pain kicked in around 27 weeks.  I remember thinking something was wrong at first because I didn't have that sort of pain at any point during my first pregnancy, but my OB reassured me that each pregnancy is more difficult than the previous one.  She wasn't kidding!  I had the morning sickness and the weakened immune system that left me sick most of my pregnancy and the early contractions and the 4 weeks of prodromal labor and the insane pelvic pain and so on and so forth.

Knowing this, I braced myself for earlier pain this time.  I was right.  It all started on Sunday, when we got out of the car from an 18 hour car trip and it was late and I practically fell to the ground with the shooting pelvic pain.  I chalked it up to the long car trip, but it's now been about a week and each day the pain is worse.  It's just like the pain I  had with Adalyn's pregnancy except it's earlier this time around.  I'm only 24 weeks pregnant but I've already hit the point where I don't stand up unless it's absolutely necessary because I know that when I do, I'll get that shooting-pain-that-makes-you-want-to-cry thing.  And each step is like daggers, well, down below (sorry).  I'm finding that even laying down isn't giving me total relief.  Sigh.

If I wasn't already completely positive I don't want a fourth child, this would do it for me.  I am in absolute awe of women who have 4, 5, 6, 7+ pregnancies.  If each one is worse than the last, you women are saints.

What a whiny blog post, huh?    


  1. I'm going to pretend I didn't read this and go on thinking I will feel this relatively good the whole pregnancy.

  2. I know exactly what pain you're talking about!!! I had it terribly with this third pregnancy (gone now though...YAY!). I always refer to it as the "knife in the groin" pain. It sucked! I only noticed it slightly with my first pregnancy, it got worse with the second, and this last one hurt like, WOAH! Good news is the pains mean baby is most likely getting in position and stretching all those round ligaments down there:) I think subsequent pregnancies are more difficult because you are more in-tune with your body and know what pregnancy feels like. That's my theory anyway:) I still can't decide if I'm done:/

  3. SO true! I never had that pain with my first pregnancy. I had maybe a little with my second, but so much this third time around! It catches me by surprise sometimes and makes for some interesting moments :)

  4. I remember the "crotch daggers" as I called them during my second pregnancy. Ouch! You're probably feeling it all sooner with this pregnancy because it is so close to your last. Your body didn't have time to get back to normal after Adalyn, but it will be all worth it in the end when you get to hold this new baby. I hope you are able to feel some relief as the pregnancy progresses.

  5. If you would like some information on supplements you can take to relieve the pain, email me. Being on my third pregnancy I know what you are dealing with. It's not fun but you can help it with supplements. Again, just let me know.
