
Monday, February 20, 2012

So it's NORMAL to be sick your whole pregnancy!

I've heard so much conflicting info about illnesses and your immune system while pregnant.  Before my pregnancy with Adalyn, I thought what I'd heard - that our immune systems are actually stronger while pregnant - was true.  And it made sense to me since I didn't get sick at all (or maybe once or twice that I can't remember) with Ben's pregnancy.

Adalyn's pregnancy was rough on my health.  I was sick a lot.  Though in going through old blog posts, my suspicions were confirmed that I was sick much less frequently with her pregnancy than this current one.  

I brought it up with my last OB who told me it's a myth that women have stronger immune systems during pregnancy - it's actually quite the opposite.  But she didn't explain why and I didn't seek out any more information.

Until today.  I am on my eight billionth 12th or 13th illness (all either stomach bugs or colds/flu) since getting pregnant.  And when I do get sick, it's much worse than normal and it lasts forever and a day.  My longest reprieve from illness has been a week and a half.  That is just nuts.  Feeling extreeeeemely frustrated, I finally decided to take to the interwebs to figure this mystery out.

Turns out my last OB was right.

It makes sense.  Our bodies need to suppress our immune systems because it keeps our bodies from fighting off our babies - essentially, foreigners to our body.  Right.

It also makes sense that you get sick more often with each subsequent pregnancy.  You have more kids at home bringing you germs, you're out more often and, well, your body isn't quite as awesome as it was before with yet another pregnancy under its belt.

Don't be stupid and give your body 7 whopping months to recover from its last pregnancy, though, or mark my words: you will regret what happens.  If this pregnancy doesn't actually kill me, I will be surprised.  

There's your PSA for the day.  If you find yourself sick more than you're not while you're pregnant, don't freak.  It's normal.  It'll get better once you're holding your baby in your arms.  :)

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