
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Women are amazing.

Women.  We're stereotypically catty and dramatic.  We cry.  We get jealous.

But you know what else we do that makes all of the above not matter in the least?  We support each other.  We rally around each other like crazy when things aren't going well.

Sure, men don't fight with each other about who said what to whom when, nor do they spend hours examining others' wardrobes in envy, but I've also never seen a bunch of men wrap their arms around each other, all rally together to find a solution for a hurting child and, thus, a hurting mama (er, papa).  
I'm not knocking men.  I love men.  I have a few insanely special ones in my home.  But the way women band together and put all drama aside to support another one in trouble or grief is just breathtaking to behold.

Yesterday I hit my rock bottom when I realized that Adalyn is just not going to take formula.  And not only will she not take formula, the anxiety from now getting no milk from me (a stomach bug + pregnancy wiped me clean out of milk) has made her decide she doesn't even really want to eat at all, thankyouverymuch.  She has fewer and fewer wet diapers each day, her mood has been steadily declining and I noticed how suddenly skinny she's been looking (turns out she's lost a little over a pound which is quite a lot of weight when you're only 16 lbs).  I went into panic mode, as moms often do when they sense their children are in threat or danger, and I desperately sought out help. 

And I got it. TONS of it.  Support and advice and encouragement and then, a very special friend reached out to her LLL group of friends and within literally minutes, I was being offered bags full of frozen breast milk.

It may be controversial.  It may not be your cup of tea.  Guess what?  It wasn't mine either.  I found the whole idea pretty bizarre myself.  And then I had a child who went on an eating strike and suddenly it sounded like the BEST idea in the world.  Until you've had a child refusing formula for months who is wasting away before your eyes, you just can't say what you'd do. 

Five different women offered me a massive amount of breast milk.  One even offered to eat oatmeal to increase her supply so she could pump for me.  A woman I don't even know personally.  Isn't that just amazing? 

Last night, we picked up well over 200 ounces from two different women.  It's just...breathtaking.  And awe-inspiring.  Women are amazing. 


  1. In my eyes, there is NOTHING controversial about doing whatever you have to do so your child can eat. I'm so glad you have a solution. I'm so glad that these women are in your life and able to help you. I hope Adalyn thrives now. I'm sure she will because you are her mom and you'll make sure of it.

  2. Oh I'm so happy that you were able to have so many people come through for you. Is Addie drinking that breast milk with no problem?

  3. This is so fantastic. What a wonderful example of how women really can come together :)

  4. This is amazing!!!! I hope your baby girl takes the breast milk.

  5. I do not care what anyone says. when you need to do something for your child all bets are off. your rules change and their life is put first. i am so glad you found a solution.

  6. I am sooo happy you are getting donated momma milk!!! If you were closer to me I'd offer you some too! I just donated 300oz to a local momma and am soo happy I can help her!

  7. that is great! hope she starts gaining weight again soon. also- will breast milk from other mamma's give her extra stuff she wasn't getting from you? immunities? etc? seems like a fabulous idea. i mean, generations of rich kids were brought up on wet nurses.

  8. That IS amazing!!! Let us know how she does! I think your decision is very admirable and would like to think most mother's would do something "controversial" to better their childs well-being. Good job, Momma!

  9. As someone who donated 1000+ oz a milk to a mama who couldnt make milk, it isnt controversial to me at all!! LOL!! Im so glad you've found an answer!
