
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Project: turn basement into something... a go!

I ran it by hubby and he didn't seem to think it was the worst idea ever, so it looks like we'll be "faux" finishing it! Which means we have hours and hours and days and days of work ahead of us.  Embarrassingly, it has become a dumping grounds for everything we don't know what to do with right now, and not in a pretty, organized sort of way.  In a throw-it-down-the-stairs-and-pretend-it-doesn't-exist way.  

That's all pretty much my fault, too.  I take full responsibility for chucking things down the basement stairs.  It's a little scary and dark down there, okay?

So I think we'll repaint the walls a nice pretty color and spray the ceiling black to save money.  Here's our inspiration picture, from this blog post:

It may be a little sports bar-ish, but I'm okay with that.  

And...that's it.  I don't know that this was worthy of a whole blog post, but, you know, that's alright.  I'll blame pregnancy since I blame everything else on that.  :)

Edited to add: Another thing I can blame on pregnancy.  I have become a freak in the past week.  Like, out-of-control nesting.  Like nesting on crack.  Like nesting...whatever.  You get the idea.  

My every thought revolves around organizing and redecorating and redoing rooms.  Someone stop me!  

Who else has gone loco when pregnant?  


  1. Great idea! I've always wanted to do more with our basement, but since a) it has to be accessed through the garage and b) we HAVE to use it for laundry and storage, that dream has pretty much been dismissed. But I am excited you are going to make it happen. Think of all the extra room you will have!

  2. I *wanted* to nest while pregnant, but I missed the window of opportunity. By the time I was ready to, I was on bedrest. Then the babies came early. We're lucky they had cribs put together and bedding washed! I love when pregnant ladies go all nesting crazy. So cute!

  3. Isn't your basement finished, Anne? Or just partially?

    Tracy - Ack! I can't imagine how frustrating that must have been!

  4. Nope, our basement is not finished. It's also just a partial basement...under the area that is our kitchen, dining, and living room. It feels a little better because we put down a square carpet remnant in the area where we do laundry, and Jon built very sturdy wood shelves that line the walls on two sides. You might be thinking of our "den"...the area down the steps from the kitchen where our TV is. It is finished, but I don't really consider it basement.

  5. We "faux" finished our basement too. Its not fancy but it works for us! :)
