
Monday, October 10, 2011

6 weeks & counting...

I know it's common to slack off with each subsequent pregnancy.  Everything seems a wee bit less exciting when you've been there, done that.  But there's something to be said for this, too.  Because though it may be a little less exciting, it's also a little less scary.  

I know what to expect now, with number three.

Basically, I know to expect the unexpected.  I thought I had pregnancy nailed down after Ben.  But Addie's pregnancy threw me for a loop.  I was so sick.  I could barely function.  From weeks 6-11, I was worthless.  I could have won several worst-wife-of-the-year awards and I parked Ben in front of the TV for about 5 weeks straight.  It wasn't my proudest moment.  The hardest part is that I hadn't expected it.  

I'd expected exhaustion because that was my symptom with Ben.  I would come home during lunch breaks and sleep.  But I never had exhaustion with Adalyn.  Never.  I guess God figured the morning sickness was enough.  Rightly so.  :)

I also now know that babies come in all shapes and sizes...and personalities.  Ben was easy as pie.  Didn't cry, totally content doing anything.  I was so excited to have another newborn that I completely forgot that there was a possibility that the next newborn wouldn't be so easy.  And, though she is our heart & soul, BOY was she not easy.  She's still not easy.  She cried ALL THE TIME.  All. the. time.  She has been sick so many times (go figure, my exclusively breastfed baby gets sick way more than my partly formula fed child).  She won't drink from a sippy cup (nope, we have to put a glass to her mouth each and every time), won't eat anything but fruit that has been highly pureed (as in she won't eat anything I puree myself, has to be first foods from a jar) and she still cries all the time.  She's the pickiest child I've known personally.  But she is also my baby!  She and I...we're just attached.  In this crazy awesome way.  The next baby may be tough or he/she may be easy but either way, we will love this baby more than words can ever express.

This time around, I'm bracing myself for all possibilities.  

But rather than slack off, I try to use each pregnancy to do things better than the time before.  I want to eat better and be more physically active and take better pictures and keep better notes, because these are all the things I have regretted from before.

And, to be brutally honest, I don't enjoy pregnancy too much so I have to force myself to have some fun.  Pictures = fun.  Doing pictures right = double fun.

I've always wanted to take belly pictures in the same outfit the entire pregnancy.  I never thought I'd have such a belly so early, but what are you gonna do?  I could whine and fuss and complain and feel sorry for myself.  Well, I have done all those things.  But it hit me today that I can actually force myself to enjoy this.  To embrace the belly.  Hey, short girls on their third pregnancy when having a baby 8 short months ago can't be that surprised to see this in the mirror.  Right?

All this was basically just a really long way of saying that this blog is going to be one gigantic pregnancy journal, so if you're not into that sort of thing, feel free to stop reading.  I will understand.  No hurt feelings.  Promise.  :)   I realize this is much more for my sake than anyone else.  

And you can feel free to follow my unpregnancy-ish stuff at my other blog.

Dear Future Baby O' Mine,

This week has been good.  Other than the massive preggo belly I've managed to sport, I'm feeling pretty good.  I have had my serious morning sickness moments, but so far they're just that: moments.  The exhaustion is pretty bad and I struggle to keep my eyes open every couple of minutes, especially because your big brother has taken to not napping.  But if this is as bad as it gets, I can handle it.  It's all worth it for you!  

We've discussed the mini van purchase we will inevitably be making and whether or not all three of you kiddos can fit into one bedroom for the time being until we can sell our house when the market improves (oh, the housing market slump...remind me to tell you all about that one day).  We'll see.  God will provide and it'll work out.  

We met with two midwives for interviews.  We're excited to have you at home.  So, so excited!  Just having a heck of a time deciding between these two amazing women.  

We love very much!


  1. You look awesome! I can't wait to read all about your pregnancy!

    I love that you said you are going to force yourself to enjoy this one. I swore I was going to enjoy this pregnancy, and then, as usual, I found something to complain about. I need some of your attitude to rub off.

  2. I cannot wait to read all about your pregnancy! :)I am just now starting to ttc #2 and am so envious of all the other pregnant women I know hehe So I will live vicariously through this blog until I am pregnant myself :) You are looking great!

    Kelly (A December 08 Mommy too) :)

  3. I had a bump that big at 6 weeks. Are you sure there's just one in there? Just sayin'..... :)
