
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

8 weeks & counting...

I have no picture this week.  Maybe I will at some point, we'll see.  But I found the fact that I have no picture a very perfect way to start off this week's post.  Because, you see, I'm too exhausted to take a picture.

This week has been unreal.  It's been unlike any of my other pregnancies.  I feel like a total failure as a mom and wife right now.  I'm so tired I honestly don't know how I even pull myself out of bed in the morning.  I have never, ever, ever, ever experienced exhaustion like this.  Saturday night I fell asleep a little after 6:00 and last night, at 5:30.  

My house is a train wreck.  I say that a lot but in this case I'm actually not exaggerating.  There are probably seven...eight...maybe even nine loads worth of laundry just hanging out on my couch.  There's barely a place to sit which is saying a lot because we have a huge sectional.  

The fact that I'm too tired to track down my black top and pants, walk to the camera, pick it up and then walk to our bedroom is indicative of whatever is going on.  

I had exhaustion with Ben, but that just meant I was asleep by 8:00 every night the whole pregnancy, not that I couldn't function as a human being.  

The nausea is bad.  Really bad.  Some mornings I put Addie down for her nap and cuddle in my bed with Ben while I put on a movie so I can lay down and not throw up.  I'm such a wonderful mommy right now.

And then there's the cravings - if I don't have what I want RIGHT AWAY then, well, let's just say it ain't pretty.  In fact, my sweet, patient and amazing husband is on his way to pick me up some guacamole and a cheese quesadilla from my favorite restaurant as we speak. 

Tim?  He's a champ.  Picking up my slack left and right.  That man deserves an award.  If for no other reason than because he's actually putting up with me like this.  

This does get better.  This does get better.  This does get better.  


  1. I was very exhausted and nauseous for the first 13-14 weeks; as were a lot of my twin mom friends. Are you sure there's just one in there? :)

  2. Pack seriously thought I was at the end of my life early on this pregnancy. I've never had morning sickness like this and had I known it existed, I probably would still just be "thinking" about baby #3. So thankful that mine only lasted 10 weeks! Good news...Pregnancy #3 seems to FLY by!

  3. You know I know how you feel! So sorry the nausea has kicked in. I do NOT NOT NOT miss that about being pregnant! Hopefully yours will go away in a few weeks, not hang around like mine did for 25 long agonizing weeks!!! (WHY do I have baby fever again!?!? ugh!!) LOL

  4. My 3rd pregnancy has been that way too. Exhausted and lots of morning sickness. It does get better. I'm now in my 21st week and the morning sickness is gone. It took until week 15 to be totally gone though. I'm so behind in housework, mainly laundry, plus I'm homeschooling. I'm saying all of this cause I know how you are feeling. I'll pray the Lord gives you the rest you need and the strength to get through each day. Housework really can wait. It's good you are taking care of that baby inside you and the little ones right in front of you. I have to remind myself that often. You are doing a great job.

  5. With both my pregnancies I was so nauseous for a good chunk of them. It got so bad with my first that I ended up in the emergency room for fluids because I was dehydrated. I ended up taking Zofran (sp?) for the nausea for both pregnancies. It was fantastic because it dissolved on my tongue so I didn't even have to drink water to get it down, which would have made me throw up. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. What are you doing for the nausea? Would you like some natural methods or tips?

  7. Tracy - You're starting to make me think we're having twins! ;)

    Kimberly - I remember reading about your awful nausea. You sounded JUST like I did with Adalyn. Girl pregnancies are ROUGH! Luckily the nausea this time isn't quite as bad as it was with her, where it was 24/7, never-ending.

    Hilary - Yeah, I would die with 25 weeks of morning sickness. Die.

    Ann - Thanks! I'm so glad to hear it gets better. In my head, I know that, but it's so tough when you're in the moment. I would love some natural tips! My midwife today told me peppermints, carrying around a hanky with essential oils on it to sniff, eating protein/carb combo every 2 hours and, hm, that's all I can remember now.

    Toritopia - Yep, Zofran! I was on that with my first pregnancy. Only for a few days when I realized that the drowsiness it caused me was even worse than the morning sickness. And luckily, with that pregnancy, it really ended up not being too bad. Only a week or so of real nausea, then it subsided into very mild nausea only occasionally.
